Engage Oncycle
Engage Oncycle

Engage Oncycle

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Engage - OnCycle

Milk Thistle                  150mg

Cranberry Extract        150mg

N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine    125mg

Alpha Lipoic Acid         75mg

Coenzyme Q-10           75 mg

Grape Seed Extract     150mg

Dosage:  1 Capsule 2x daily

Milk thistle-  (silymarin) is a flowering herb related to the daisy and ragweed family. Milk thistle can also be used as a natural treatment for liver problems such as cirrhosis, jaundice, as well as also help lower LDL cholesterol.  

Cranberry extract- Cranberry extract offers a ton of antioxidants and nutrients that help fight infections and boost your overall health. In nutraceuticals, they are commonly used treat urinary complications. Cranberry extract might also play a role in stomach ulcer treatment. 

N-acetyl-l cysteine- Is used to promote healthy liver function and metabolize environmental toxins we are subjected to on a daily basis. NAC is also utilized to promote kidney health. 

Alpha lipoic acid- Naturally occurring in food Alpha Lipoic Acid is responsible for cellular energy production. It is also in promoting a healthy immune system and has been shown to aid in pain relief 

Coenzyme q-10- is essential to maintain healthy blood vessel tone as well as aiding in lowering LDL cholesterol. It has also been shown to aid in macular degeneration. Co enzyme q-10 will also promote healthy nerve function. 

Grape seed extract- Another fruit loaded with antioxidants, it aids in eliminating free radical cells to promote immune health as well as improve circulation. Grape seed extract will also aid in reducing inflammation from injuries.

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  • 18歳未満
  • 高血圧
  • 腎臓疾患
  • 肝臓疾患
  • メタボリックシンドローム
  • 糖尿病
  • 癌やサラセミアなどの腫瘍性疾患
  • 妊娠・授乳中

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