Laxogenin 100  - Hi Tech
Laxogenin 100  - Hi Tech

Laxogenin 100 - Hi Tech

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Laxogenin 100™ Body Building Supplement is the product every athlete or health conscious person has been waiting for! Anyone who wants to build muscle and/or enhance athletic performance and currently is using legal prohormones, growth hormone releasers, and/or creatine supplements needs to pay attention. Laxogenin is the perfect synergistic product to use alongside any growth-related supplement. If you are ready to literally take supplementation to never seen before levels, Laxogenin is it. What is even more interesting is that compared to other testosterone or prohormone products on the market, this is safe for both men and women to take.

5a-Hydroxy Laxogenin is an ingredient Hi-Tech perfected via our synthesis process better than anyone in the industry, given our 23-year history with this ingredient. Hi-Tech's founder used every 5a-Hydroxy Laxogenin going back to the original Mesobolin, put out by Amino Discounters in the early 1990’s. For men, Hi-Tech recommends using this product with IGF-1 products like our Pro IGF-1 to assist in lean mass gains. For females Laxogenin 100™ can be taken by itself and not cause androgenic side effects.

  • Laxogenin 100™ is perfect for:

    • Anyone who wants to build muscle and/or enhance athletic performance.
    • Any bodybuilder/athlete already using legal prohormones, HGH releasers, and/or Creatine supplements who wants to promote muscle growth.
    • Anyone who wants a supplement that will complement (rather than be redundant to) his or her current athletic supplement stack.
    • Athletes who are avoiding androgen supplements (e.g., women), but still want to promote muscle growth and promote protein synthesis.
    • Equally safe for use by men and women.


Please check the ingredients in the picture.

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  • 18歳未満
  • 高血圧
  • 腎臓疾患
  • 肝臓疾患
  • メタボリックシンドローム
  • 糖尿病
  • 癌やサラセミアなどの腫瘍性疾患
  • 妊娠・授乳中

● お子様の手の届かない場所で保管して下さい。
● 直射日光、高温多湿を避けて保管して下さい。

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