BALLISTIC™ - Testosterone Enhancer バリスティック(テストステロンブースター)

BALLISTIC™ - Testosterone Enhancer バリスティック(テストステロンブースター)

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      Size: 120 capsules
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      科学的根拠: 体内の総テストステロンの産生量を増やすために、BALLISTICはいくつかの重要な天然成分の組み合わせを使用しています。その中には、トリビュラステレストリス、フェヌグリーク、ディオスコレアデルトイディアが含まれます。これらは非常に特別であり、「ステロイドフロスタノールサポニン」という極めて高いレベルの成分を含んでいます。フロスタノールサポニンは下垂体から黄体形成ホルモン(LH)の放出を促します。LHは血流中を移動し、精巣に到達してテストステロンの生産を促進します。一部のフロスタノールサポニンは、デヒドロエピアンドロステロン(DHEAとも呼ばれる)の増加も示しています。DHEAは副腎皮質で産生され、テストステロンに変換されるステロイド前駆体です。





      • 筋肉の最大成長
      • 強さとパワーの増加
      • 回復の促進
      • エネルギーと代謝の改善
      • リビドーの増加

      Pure Performance NutritionのBALLISTIC™を使う理由は? BALLISTIC™は最も包括的な天然テストステロン増強剤です。製薬品質の成分のみを含み、最適なテストステロン生産に必要な各フロスタノールサポニンの最高の効果を標準化し認定しています。


      推奨される使用法: 栄養補助食品として、朝に2カプセル、夕方に2カプセルを摂取します。

      トレーニング日の推奨使用法: トレーニングの30〜60分前に2カプセルを摂取し、夕方に2カプセルを摂取します。

      上級トレーナー: 朝に2カプセル、トレーニングの30〜60分前に2カプセル、夕方に2カプセルを摂取するか、 朝に3カプセル、夕方に3カプセルを摂取します。

      注意: BALLISTIC™は、週5日間使用して2日間オフにするサイクルを6〜8週間継続すると最良の結果が得られます。その後、2〜4週間休憩を取った後に製品を再開してください。



      Maximum Strength Testosterone Enhancer

      What is BALLISTIC™?
      BALLISTIC™ is a scientifically proven blend of natural ingredients designed to dramatically increase Total Testosterone and Free (bioavailable) Testosterone in the body. It is formulated to maximize muscle growth, strength, power and recovery, improve energy levels and metabolism, and increase libido.

      The Science:
      In order to increase the amount of total testosterone production in the body, BALLISTIC uses a combination of several key natural ingredients. Three of these ingredients are Tribulus Terrestris, Fenugreek and Dioscorea Deltoidea. These are very special because they contain an extremely high level of “Steroidal Furostanolic Saponins”. Furostanolic Saponins stimulate the release of luteinizing hormone (LH) from the pituitary gland. LH then travels in the bloodstream to the testicles and stimulates testosterone production. Some Furostanolic Saponins have also been shown to increase dehydroepiandrosterone (also known as DHEA). DHEA is a steroid precursor that is produced by the adrenal glands and is formed into testosterone.

      The natural Avena Sativa and Safed Musli Extracts also contain Saponins (Avenocosides, Stigmasterol and Hecogenin). These function similarly to Furostanolic Saponins by increasing the production of LH and also compounds that are directly similar to testosterone.

      The ingredients Eurycoma Longifolia Jack and Stinging Nettle Root are used to not only increase Testosterone production directly in the testes; but also to release Testosterone from its carrier protein, Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin (SHBG) in the blood. This makes the Testosterone “bioavailable” and able to directly enter the muscle cells. This Free Testosterone is the only form that can bind to androgen receptors resulting in both anabolic and androgenic effects.

      BALLISTIC™ also contains Zinc Aspartate, Magnesium Aspartate and Vitamin B6. These have been shown to dramatically increase anabolic hormone levels, especially Testosterone and IGF-1 (Insulinlike Growth Factor-1).

      Benefits of using BALLISTIC™:

      ∙ Maximize Muscle Growth
      ∙ Increase Strength & Power
      ∙ Speed Recovery
      ∙ Improve Energy & Metabolism
      ∙ Increase Libido

      Why use Pure Performance Nutrition’s BALLISTIC™?
      BALLISTIC™ is the most comprehensive natural Testosterone enhancer available. It contains only pharmaceutical quality ingredients, standardized and certified to contain the highest potency of each of the Furostanolic Saponins necessary for optimal Testosterone production.


      †These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.



      As a dietary supplement, Take 2 capsules in the morning and Take 2 capsules in the evening.

      Take 2 capsules 30-60 Minutes Pre-Workout and Take 2 capsules in the evening.

      Take 2 capsules in the morning; Take 2 capsules 30-60 Minutes Pre-Workout, and Take 2 capsules in the evening, or

      Take 3 capsules in the morning and Take 3 capsules in the evening.

      BALLISTIC™ works best when using a 5-Days-On/2-Days-Off cycle for 6-8 weeks. Then take 2-4 weeks off before taking the product again.

      For more information on BALLISTIC™ and other PPN products, visit www.PPNonline.com

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