【重要】12/31 送料無料サービス改定のお知らせ 詳細はこちら
(37) 37 total reviews
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4.714285714 / 5.0
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5.0 / 5.0
(37) 37 total reviews
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(7) 7 total reviews
4.714285714 / 5.0
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5.0 / 5.0
13 December 2016
アメリカでもっとも定評の高いブランドの一つセンチュリオンラボから強力プロホルモン War demonz入荷しました!私も試しましたがはっきり言ってかなり強力です。4週間で5‐10kgの増量は可能でしょう、しかも水分貯留はまったくありません!ハロドロールと交互にサイクルを組むのも良いアイデアですね!
Check out Centurion Labz one of the best pro hormone, War demonz!
"Centurion Labz was created by two physicians that wanted to expand their knowledge into the health and fitness market. While owning and running a family practice, chiropractic office, and rejuvenation centers they decided to open a storefront. With issues of companies not meeting the expectation of label claims, we decided to come out with Centurion Labz. We have the knowledge on our products, our dosages are accurate, and we use only the best ingredients and raw powders available. We strive to put out quality products while educating on why and when to use them. We chose 'Centurion' as our name because of the hard training and discipline that was used to go into becoming a centurion soldier. This goes hand in hand with our sponsored athlete IFBB PRO, 'GUY CISTERNINO' and we couldn't be happier to have him using and promoting our company's products."
Updated on 15 December 2016
Updated on 11 December 2016