【expired】Chromium Picolinate
【expired】Chromium Picolinate

【expired】Chromium Picolinate

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Vital to Glucose Metabolism

The biologically active form of chromium supplements participate in glucose metabolism by enhancing the effects of insulin. Insulin is a peptide hormone produced in the beta-cells of the pancreas. It is central to carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Insulin causes the cells in the skeletal muscles, liver, and fat tissue to absorb glucose from the bloodstream. 

Insulin plays an important role in weight management, both in controlling body fat and building muscle tissue. Insulin resistance has been linked to obesity, heart disease, diabetes and hypertension. Chromium Picolinate aids the body’s metabolism by helping insulin function efficiently.

Essential Trace Element

Chromium is a metal. It is called an “essential trace element” because small amounts of chromium are necessary for human health. Chromium is used in the body for optimizing blood sugar control and it is essential in glucose uptake.

Overall Health

Chromium has also been used for depression, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), lowering “bad” cholesterol, and raising “good” cholesterol in people taking heart medications called beta blockers. 

Some people try chromium for body conditioning including weight loss, increasing muscle, and decreasing body fat. Chromium is also used to improve athletic performance and to increase energy.

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  • 18歳未満
  • 高血圧
  • 腎臓疾患
  • 肝臓疾患
  • メタボリックシンドローム
  • 糖尿病
  • 癌やサラセミアなどの腫瘍性疾患
  • 妊娠・授乳中

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