Attention Pro Hormone user! プロホルモン使用中の方におすすめ!

Attention Pro Hormone user! プロホルモン使用中の方におすすめ!

Hidetada Yamagishi

02 November 2016


Today, we’ve got a product that goes along withwhatever prohormone cycle you happen to be running. Arimiplex is a comprehensive post cycle therapy product that limits estrogen while optimizing testosterone levels when coming off cycle, but it may even be useful when oncycle!

The short story is that Arimiplex has a lot of ingredients for reducing DHT, which is extremely important for anyone predisposed to hair loss via androgenic alopecia. But that’s not all – there’s also an estrogen inhibitor inside and more!

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Gaspari Precision Protein in Stock!

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