Hormone-Free Stack - Anogenin / EpiCat / Growth
Hormone-Free Stack - Anogenin / EpiCat / Growth
Hormone-Free Stack - Anogenin / EpiCat / Growth
Hormone-Free Stack - Anogenin / EpiCat / Growth
Hormone-Free Stack - Anogenin / EpiCat / Growth
Hormone-Free Stack - Anogenin / EpiCat / Growth
Hormone-Free Stack - Anogenin / EpiCat / Growth
Hormone-Free Stack - Anogenin / EpiCat / Growth
Hormone-Free Stack - Anogenin / EpiCat / Growth

Hormone-Free Stack - Anogenin / EpiCat / Growth

Regular price $144.98 Sale price$130.48 Save 10%
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Hormone-Free Stack(ホルモンフリースタック)



  1. Anogenin: ホルモンフリーな筋肉ビルダーで、筋肉量を増加させ、体脂肪を減少させ、パフォーマンスと回復を向上させます。

  2. EpiCat: 体の脂肪燃焼と筋肉構築の潜在能力を自然に高める製品です。

  3. Growth: 体のHGH(成長ホルモン)産生能力を高め、質の高い睡眠をサポートします。


The Hormone-Free Stack includes everything you need to build quality muscle, boost your body’s systems, and help your muscles repair and grow. Hormone-free and safe for both men and women, these three products will boost your muscular growth potential, increase your energy output, and help give your body quality rest, when it needs it most. With this stack, get after those explosive gains, and save.

In This Stack

  • Anogenin is a non-hormonal muscle builder that will help you increase your muscle mass, decrease your body fat, and enhance your performance and recovery.
  • EpiCat enhances your body’s fat-burning and muscle-building potential, naturally.
  • Growth boosts your body’s HGH-producing potential, and helps you get better quality sleep.

When combined, this triumphant trinity of products will unlock your body’s natural muscle-building potential, hormone-free. Stack and save, with the Hormone-Free Stack.

・5 Alpha Hydroxy Laxogenin 25mg
(Smilax Sieboldii plant)

Other Ingredients: Magnesium Stearate, Silicon Dioxide, Titanium
・Green Tea (Camellia sinesis) 700mg
(Leaf) Extract
・Epicatechins 300mg

Other Ingredients: Rice Flour, Gelatin, Magnesium Stearate,
Stearic Acid, Silica
・Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol) 1500 IU
・4-Aminobutanoic Acid 750 mg
・Velvet Bean Extract 590 mg
(MucunaPruriens)(seed)(min 15% L-Dopa)
・Stinging Nettle Extract 500 mg
・Valerian Extract (root) (0.8% valerenic acids) 200 mg
・BioPerineⓇ 10 mg
(Black Pepper Fruit Extractstd 95% piperine)
・Melatonin 3 mg

Other Ingredients: Gelatin (Capsule), Magnesium Stearate, Silicon Dioxide

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  • 18歳未満
  • 高血圧
  • 腎臓疾患
  • 肝臓疾患
  • メタボリックシンドローム
  • 糖尿病
  • 癌やサラセミアなどの腫瘍性疾患
  • 妊娠・授乳中

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