Viradex XT / Plasma JET
Viradex XT / Plasma JET
Viradex XT / Plasma JET
Viradex XT / Plasma JET
Viradex XT / Plasma JET
Viradex XT / Plasma JET

Viradex XT / Plasma JET

Regular price $65.32 Sale price$57.49 Save 12%
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"Infinite Power and Defined Muscles, a Shortcut to the Ultimate Body"

Stack Product Description

The combination of Viradex XT and PlasmaJet by Gaspari Nutrition redefines the possibilities of training. Viradex XT supports the natural increase of testosterone, promoting an increase in muscle mass and a decrease in body fat. Meanwhile, PlasmaJet maximizes vasodilation along with oxygen and nutrient delivery, significantly improving muscle growth, strength, and stamina. This stack will not only enhance your performance in training but also bring visible changes to your appearance.

Stack Features

  • Natural Increase in Testosterone: Viradex XT supports testosterone levels.
  • Muscle Definition and Mass: PlasmaJet's vasodilation enhances nutrient delivery and muscle growth.
  • Support for Lean Muscle: Supports both fat loss and the acquisition of lean muscle.
  • Enhanced Performance: Improves stamina, strength, and endurance during training.
  • Improved Appearance: Increased visibility of veins defines muscles more clearly.

Recommended Usage

  • Viradex XT: Specific usage information is not provided, but follow the instructions on the product label or use under the guidance of a healthcare professional.
  • PlasmaJet: Take 2 capsules twice before workouts or follow the advice of a professional.

This stack is the optimal choice for all men aiming to maximize training results and achieve their ideal physique. Experience true change in your training with Viradex XT and PlasmaJet.

Viradex XT

Unleash male strength with this testosterone booster!

Product Description

Gaspari Nutrition has been an innovator in testosterone booster supplements for over 20 years. The original Viradex XT and Novedex XT became the industry standard for testosterone booster supplements, earning enthusiastic support worldwide.
The latest Viradex XT uses Gaspari's redefined natural test booster blend. This includes powerful testosterone-enhancing ingredients like Tribulus Terrestris, Fenugreek extract, and Maca root extract, along with estrogen-blocking compounds such as Calcium D-Glucarate and Indole-3-Carbinol. These ingredients help increase muscle mass, reduce body fat, and minimize the side effects of estrogen. Viradex XT is your choice for muscle enhancement.

Product Features

  • Increase in muscle mass
  • Support for fat reduction
  • Powerful estrogen blocker
  • Enhances the effects of testosterone, such as lean muscle mass acquisition, improved strength and stamina, reduced body fat, and enhanced exercise and sexual performance

Dosage/Usage Instructions

Take 3 pills a day as recommended.

With Gaspari's Viradex XT, bring a real change to your training and bodybuilding. This testosterone booster is the ideal choice for all men aiming for muscle enhancement and fat reduction.


Maximize vasodilation with PlasmaJet for muscle enhancement!

Product Description

Developed over more than 5 years, PlasmaJet® is the most intense and effective NO booster in the supplement industry, designed to overshadow all others on the market. PlasmaJet® elevates definition, size, vascularity, strength, and endurance to levels never before experienced with supplements. If you're seeking the ultimate NO experience, PlasmaJet® is the answer. From the first use, you'll feel its effect, which intensifies with each use.

Product Features

  • Massive pump effects
  • Significant improvements in lean muscle mass, stamina, and strength
  • Stimulates glycogen creation in skeletal muscles
  • Increased visibility of veins
  • Maximum vasodilation
  • Increased absorption of amino acids and other nutrients

Dosage/Usage Instructions

As a dietary supplement, take 2 capsules twice before workouts or follow professional instructions.


  • Not for use by those under 18 years old.
  • Do not use if pregnant or nursing.
  • This product may increase blood pressure.
  • Avoid using with other products containing caffeine or synephrine.
  • Consult a doctor before use.
  • Limit use to 8 weeks.

PlasmaJet® takes your training sessions to new heights. Aim for not just bigger, but more defined and vascular muscles. Unlock your potential to the fullest with this NO maximizer.

● 医師による治療・投薬中の方はご摂取前に医師にご相談下さい。
● 次に該当する方はご摂取しないで下さい。

  • 18歳未満
  • 高血圧
  • 腎臓疾患
  • 肝臓疾患
  • メタボリックシンドローム
  • 糖尿病
  • 癌やサラセミアなどの腫瘍性疾患
  • 妊娠・授乳中

● お子様の手の届かない場所で保管して下さい。
● 直射日光、高温多湿を避けて保管して下さい。

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