STRENGTH ™ - 100% Pure Creatine (CREAPURE®) 100%ピュアクレアチン

STRENGTH ™ - 100% Pure Creatine (CREAPURE®) 100%ピュアクレアチン

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    クレアチンとは何か? クレアチンはすべての筋収縮に必要な天然物質です。エネルギー代謝に必要であり、タンパク質、炭水化物、脂質、ビタミン、ミネラルと同じくらい人間の生命に重要です。クレアチンはグリシン、アルギニン、メチオニンというアミノ酸から合成されます。肝臓、膵臓、腎臓で作られ、それから血流に乗って筋細胞に運ばれます。すべてのクレアチンの95%は、クレアチンリン酸(CP)、またはリン酸クレアチンと呼ばれるものとして筋肉に貯蔵されます。クレアチンの半分は体内でアミノ酸から合成されますが、残りは日常の食事から摂取される必要があります。食事中のクレアチンはほとんどが肉、魚、および他の動物性製品に含まれています。野菜にはわずかしか含まれません。

    クレアチンの働き方は? クレアチンは体内のクレアチンリン酸生成系の一部であり、筋肉組織内のATPレベルを高く保つのに役立ちます。ATP(アデノシン三リン酸)は、筋肉が収縮するために必要なエネルギー分子です。それは「アデノシン」と呼ばれる分子と「三リン酸基」という三つのリン酸基で構成されています。燃料源である炭水化物、タンパク質、脂質は、さまざまなプロセスを経てATPに変換され、それが筋肉のエネルギーとして利用可能になります。


    なぜクレアチン補充をするのか? 「クリニカルサイエンス」と「年次生化学レビュー」などのいくつかの研究誌によると、クレアチン補充はクレアチンの筋肉貯蔵を最大50%まで増加させることが示されています。二重盲検、プラセボ対照、大学の研究では、クレアチンモノハイドレートの補充が筋力、リーン筋量、運動パフォーマンス、回復力、筋力ピークトルク生産を増加させることが示されています。


    臨床的に証明された効果 プラセボ対照の臨床研究では、クレアチン補充は「ベンチプレス」中の反復回数および「ジャンプスクワット」中のピークトルク出力に大幅な改善をもたらしました。別のプラセボ対照の臨床試験では、18グラムのクレアチンモノハイドレートをたった5日間使用したアメリカ海兵隊員が、4つの異なるワークバウトを筋力の限界まで2セット行い、合計の作業時間が100%以上増加したことが示されています。「これらの結果は、クレアチン補充が高強度の間欠的な運動を維持する能力を著しく向上させることを示しています。」(Res Q Exerc Sport 1997 Sep;68(3):233-40)

    副作用はありますか? 臨床的な安全性研究の結果、比較的大量に使用しても有害な副作用は一貫して見られません。


    推奨される使用法: 栄養補助食品として、1ティースプーン(5グラム)を8オンスの水、ジュース、またはPPNプロテインドリンクに混ぜて摂取します。



    Creatine is as Important to Human Life as Protein, Carbohydrates, Fat, Vitamins and Minerals.

    Creatine is arguably the most popular supplement in bodybuilding, and in all other sports. Athletes all over the world are experiencing dramatic increases in strength, muscular size, energy, and overall performance, less fatigue, and faster muscle recovery. Experts who have studied Creatine agree that there is NO natural supplement in the world that can even come close to producing the results familiar to those of Creatine.

    What is Creatine?
    Creatine is a natural substance required for all muscular contractions. It is essential for energy metabolism and is as important to human life as protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins and minerals. Creatine is synthesized from the amino acids glycine, arginine, and methionine. It is manufactured in the liver, pancreas, and kidneys. It is then transported in the bloodstream to the muscle cells, where 95% of all Creatine is stored as Creatine Phosphate (CP), also called phosphocreatine. While half of the Creatine is synthesized within the body from amino acids, the rest has to be ingested through daily nutrition. Dietary Creatine is found mostly in meat, fish and other animal products. Only trace amounts of Creatine are found in vegetables.

    How does it work?
    Creatine is part of the Creatine Phosphogen System in the body, which helps maintain high levels of ATP in the muscle tissue. ATP, or (adenosine triphosphate), is the energy molecule that is necessary for a muscle to contract. It is made up of a molecule called “Adenosine” plus “Three Phosphate Groups”. All fuel sources, carbohydrates, protein, and fat are converted through various processes into ATP, which is then available for the muscle to use for energy.

    When the muscle cell needs energy, each ATP molecule releases one phosphate group. This process provides the energy needed by the muscle. Now you are left with ADP, or (adenosine diphosphate), which has only “Two Phosphate Groups”. For ADP to be used as energy it has to be converted back into ATP. This is where creatine comes in. Phosphocreatine (the body’s usable form of Creatine) delivers a phosphate group to ADP resynthesizing it back into an ATP molecule, thus making it ready again to release energy to fuel continued muscle contractions.

    Why Use Creatine Supplementation?
    Creatine supplementation has been shown in several research journals including, “Clinical Science” and “Annual Review of Biochemistry”, to increase muscle stores of creatine as much as 50%. Double-blind, placebo-controlled, university studies have demonstrated that supplementing with Creatine Monohydrate increases strength, lean muscle mass, athletic performance, recuperation, and muscle peak torque production.

    The richest sources of Creatine in food are meats and fish. But, to increase athletic performance and increase lean body mass, Creatine must be taken in amounts that would be difficult to obtain from a normal diet. For example, you would have to eat approximately six pounds of steak every day to get the average dosage of Creatine. That would be 5000 calories just from the steak! Supplementing gives you the Creatine without the unnecessary calories that would most likely turn into body fat.

    Clinically Proven
    In one placebo-controlled clinical study, Creatine supplementation resulted in a significant improvement in repetitions during “bench presses” and peak torque output during “jump squats”. J AM Diet Assoc 1997 Jul;97(7):765-70. In another placebo-controlled clinical trial, testing the impact of Creatine supplementation on high-intensity work, United States Marines using 18 grams of creatine monohydrate for only five days, performed two sets of four different work bouts to total exhaustion. They showed an increase in total work time by over 100%. “These results demonstrate that Creatine supplementation significantly extends one's capacity to maintain a specific level of high-intensity, intermittent exercise.” (Res Q Exerc Sport 1997 Sep;68(3):233-40)

    Are There Any Side Effects?
    Results of clinical safety studies have consistently shown no adverse side effects even when used in relatively large quantities.

    PPN’s HPLC tested 100% Pure Creatine Monohydrate contains patented Creapure® brand Creatine. It is the purest, cleanest Creatine in the world. It is free of contaminants such as Creatinine, Dicyandiamide, and Dihydrotriazine. With Creapure®, all excess sodium is removed, so there is no bloating or extra cellular water retention associated with other Creatine products. It is 100% Pure Creatine Monohydrate!



    As a dietary supplement, take 1 teaspoon (5 grams) mixed in 8 ounces of water, juice or your PPN protein drink.

    Loading: Take 1 teaspoon (5 grams) five times a day for the first five days.

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